Table of all Fields

KPIs comparaison GigaFlow/GigaStor/Apex

AS - Clientxx 
AS - Pairxx 
AS - Serverxx 
Browserx x
Browser Platformx x
Browser Versionx x
Data Sourcexxx
Data Source Typex x
Error Codex x
Ethertypex x
IP Addressxxx
IP Address - Clientxxx
IP Address - Pairxxx
IP Address - Serverxxx
IP Protocolxxx
Interface - Clientxx 
Interface - Pairxx 
Interface - Serverxx 
Link Protocolx x
MAC Addressxxx
MAC Address - Clientxxx
MAC Address - Pairxxx
MAC Address - Serverxxx
MPLS Labelx x
MPLS Label - Clientx x
MPLS Label - Pairx x
MPLS Label - Serverx x
Network Typex x
Request Codex x
Response Codex x
Run Typex x
SQL Statementx x
Site - Clientxxx
Site - Pairxxx
Site - Serverxxx
Site - VoIP Devicesx x
Site - VoIP Stationsx x
Subnet - Clientxxx
Subnet - Pairxxx
Subnet - Serverxxx
Subnet - VoIP Devicesx x
Subnet - VoIP Stationsx x
TCP Flagsxxx
VLAN Tag IDx x
VoIP Callx x
VoIP Device IPx x
VoIP IP Typex  
VoIP Station IPx x
Alignment Errors 1 -> 2x x
Alignment Errors 1 <- 2x x
Alignment Errors Client -> Serverx x
Alignment Errors Client <- Serverx x
Alignment Errors Rxx x
Alignment Errors Totalx x
Alignment Errors Txx x
Application Delay (ms) Client -> Serverx x
Application Delay (ms) Client <- Serverx x
Application Delay Max (ms) Client -> Serverx x
Application Delay Max (ms) Client <- Serverx x
Audio Bits/Secx x
Audio Bytesx x
Audio Packetsx x
Bits/sec 1 -> 2xxx
Bits/sec 1 <- 2xxx
Bits/sec Client -> Serverxxx
Bits/sec Client <- Serverxxx
Bits/sec Rxxxx
Bits/sec Totalxxx
Bits/sec Txxxx
Broadcast Packets Txx x
Broadcast/Multicast Packets Tx Totalx x
Burst % Avgx x
Burst Density % Avgx x
Burst Duration Avg (seconds)x x
Bytes 1 -> 2xxx
Bytes 1 <- 2xxx
Bytes Client -> Serverxxx
Bytes Client <- Serverxxx
Bytes Rxxxx
Bytes Totalxxx
Bytes Txxxx
Bytes/sec 1 -> 2xxx
Bytes/sec 1 <- 2xxx
Bytes/sec Client -> Serverxxx
Bytes/sec Client <- Serverxxx
Bytes/sec Rxxxx
Bytes/sec Totalxxx
Bytes/sec Txxxx
CRC Errors 1 -> 2x x
CRC Errors 1 <- 2x x
CRC Errors Client -> Serverx x
CRC Errors Client <- Serverx x
CRC Errors Rxx x
CRC Errors Totalx x
CRC Errors Txx x
Call Countx x
Call Duration Avg (seconds)x x
Call Phones Address Listx x
Call Setup Duration Avg (seconds)x x
Call Start Timex x
Call Station Address Listx x
Calls Closedx x
Calls Startedx x
Codec Listx x
Completed Requestsx x
Control Bits/Secx x
Control Bytesx x
Control Packetsx x
Data Bits/Secx x
Data Bytesxxx
Data Packetsxxx
Dropped Requestsx x
Gap Density % Avgx x
Gap Duration Avg (seconds)x x
Goodput Bits/sec Client -> Serverx x
Goodput Bits/sec Client <- Serverx x
Goodput Bytes Client -> Serverx x
Goodput Bytes Client <- Serverx x
Goodput/Throughput % Client -> Serverx x
Goodput/Throughput % Client <- Serverx x
IP ToS Maxx x
IP ToS Minimumx x
Jitter (ms) Avgx x
Jitter (ms) Maxx x
Jitter (ms) Minimumx x
Jitter Avgx x
Jitter Maxx x
Jitter Minimumx x
Loss Rate Avgx x
MOS Audio Avgx x
MOS Audio Maxx x
MOS Audio Minimumx x
MOS Video Avgx x
MOS Video Maxx x
MOS Video Minimumx x
Multicast Packets Txx x
Network Delay (ms)x x
Network Delay (ms) Client -> Serverx x
Network Delay (ms) Client <- Serverx x
Network Delay Max (ms) Client -> Serverx x
Network Delay Max (ms) Client <- Serverx x
Network Speed Bits/secx x
Network Utilization Avgxxx
Network Utilization Maxxxx
Network Utilization Minimumxxx
Network vs Application Delay Client -> Serverx x
Network vs Application Delay Client <- Serverx x
Observed Connectionsx x
Packets 1 -> 2xxx
Packets 1 <- 2xxx
Packets Client -> Serverxxx
Packets Client <- Serverxxx
Packets Lost % Avgx x
Packets Out of Orderx x
Packets Rxxxx
Packets Totalxxx
Packets Txxxx
Packets/sec 1 -> 2xxx
Packets/sec 1 <- 2xxx
Packets/sec Client -> Serverxxx
Packets/sec Client <- Serverxxx
Packets/sec Rxxxx
Packets/sec Totalxxx
Packets/sec Txxxx
Quality Bits/Secx x
Quality Bytesx x
Quality Packetsx x
R-Factor Audio Avgx x
R-Factor Audio Maxx x
R-Factor Audio Minimumx x
R-Factor Video Avgx x
R-Factor Video Maxx x
R-Factor Video Minimumx x
Request Bits/secx x
Request Bytesx x
Request Bytes/secx x
Request Packetsx x
Response Bits/secx x
Response Bytesx x
Response Bytes/secx x
Response Packetsx x
Retransmissions Client -> Serverx x
Retransmissions Client <- Serverx x
Retransmissions Too Fast Client -> Serverx x
Retransmissions Too Fast Client <- Serverx x
Runt Errors 1 -> 2x x
Runt Errors 1 <- 2x x
Runt Errors Client -> Serverx x
Runt Errors Client <- Serverx x
Runt Errors Rxx x
Runt Errors Totalx x
Runt Errors Txx x
Size Distribution 1 -> 2x x
Size Distribution 1 <- 2x x
Size Distribution Client -> Serverx x
Size Distribution Client <- Serverx x
Size Distribution Rxx x
Size Distribution Totalx x
Size Distribution Txx x
Too Big Errors 1 -> 2x x
Too Big Errors 1 <- 2x x
Too Big Errors Client -> Serverx x
Too Big Errors Client <- Serverx x
Too Big Errors Rxx x
Too Big Errors Totalx x
Too Big Errors Txx x
Total Errorsx x
Total Redirectsx x
Total Requestsx x
Total Responsesx x
Transaction Delay (ms)x x
Transaction Delay Distributionx x
Transaction Delay Max (ms)x x
User Experience Scorex x
Utilization 1 -> 2xxx
Utilization 1 <- 2xxx
Utilization Client -> Serverxxx
Utilization Client <- Serverxxx
Utilization Rxxxx
Utilization Totalxxx
Utilization Txxxx
Video Bits/Secx x
Video Bytesx x
Video Packetsx x
VoIP Bits/Sec Totalx x
VoIP Bytes Totalx x
VoIP Packets Totalx x
Zero Windows Client -> Serverx  
Zero Windows Client <- Serverx  
First packet response x 
UserID x 
UserDomain x 
Ext Code x 
Event Code x 
Enriched Meta (IxFlow) fields x 
SNMP Interface In/Out Octets x 
SNMP Device Name x 
SNMP Interface Name x 
SNMP Interface Description x 
SNMP Interface Alias x 
SNMP Interface speed x 
Scriptable Data Collection x 

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