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New UC features

  • Ability to track live calls over time
  • Breakdown a call to all its individual parts, which includes call setup, RTP, and RTCP
  • Trace Extraction of a single legs in a call or the entire call
  • New KPI ‘Call Quality Distribution’ which tracks several key VoIP KPIs and makes it easy to identify when bad calls occurred, which sites had bad calls, which calls were bad, which phones inside a call were bad
  • Track calls by Site Pair
  • Reporting on IP Address with its associated Device ID (Caller-ID)
  • Identify calls and legs of calls with badly marked DSCP values
  • Navigate directly from the left menu bar using the new Filter Flyout. Allows users to quickly go to a specific level dashboard based on the entered criteria. Such as, voipCall ‘Carl’ would take the user to the 3rd level dashboard showing all calls with the word Carl in the VoIP Call (id) field.
  • Status widgets allow you to show multiple TCB bars at the same time, if desired
  • 9 new VoIP Key Fields to allow for finer filtering granularity
  • 22 new KPI were added (primarily centered around tracking video streams separate from audio for some specific KPIs that were generally put into the same bucket, like Packets Lost % used to be a single KPI and is not Packets Lost % Audio and Packets Lost % Video)
  • Active Test VoIP is now reportable in Apex
  • Site Performance Maps will now show both MOS Audio & MOS Video instead of whichever was worst
  • Site Performance Maps will now show Site to Site (Inbound and Outbound) data for different VoIP KPIs instead of just ‘Site Internal’
  • Search for calls by UDP or TCP port numbers
  • Filter by call directionality (example: show me all legs of all calls from site X to site Y)

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