GigaFlow parameters & traffic replay
On linux, you can edit the /opt/ros/resources/start file to change various system parameters.
On windows, you can change the gigaflow.ini file in the Gigaflow/Flow folder to change various system parameters.
Example :
/opt/java/bin/java -Xms364M -Xmx3768M -Djava.library.path=./dist/libs/ -Djava.awt.headless=true -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -classpath ./dist/ROS.jar:./dist/libs/* ros.ROS "localpcap=/opt/ros/pcaps/ipv6.pcap|490" httpport=80 > /dev/null &
echo $! >
Enable local playback of pcap into application fileLocation|delayBetweenPacketsInMS
Delay between packets replayed (in milliseconds). If you wanted 1 packet per second set to 1000. If you wanted 10pps set to 100, if you wanted 50 set to 20
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